Most RSLs and Not For Profit organisations deal with temporary recruitment needs and permanent hiring separately; with different processes, stakeholders and candidate experiences taking place. Should they instead consider combining temporary and permanent recruitment within on management structure, operational process and technology application?
In today’s challenging operating environment – is this really the best way forward? In this blog we explore the benefits of bringing temporary and permanent recruitment together under one service; overseen by HR.
The management of temporary agency supply contracts has often been the domain of procurement, with their key function focused on making sure that costs are kept to a minimum.
Not for Profits and RSLs often need temps fast (often to cover shifts), and they need to spend as little money as possible given the current economic environment they are operating in.
HR oversees permanent recruitment; managing the many challenges that volume front-line requirements create, and sometimes using a PSL.
The benefits of combining temporary and permanent recruitment
Let’s look at some of the reasons you may benefit from combining temporary and permanent recruitment:
All recruitment starts with a requirement from your internal Hiring Managers, who often have to juggle both temporary and permanent recruitment processes. So much the better for them, their time and your organisational ROI to have one key recruitment partner who can help navigate the best outcomes, regardless if it is a temporary or permanent recruitment need.
A joined up recruitment service with visibility of all component parts makes it easier to develop recruitment strategy that is fit for purpose. Once established, this becomes easier to communicate through one universal “recruitment” communication; reducing mixed messages and confusion.
A combined temporary and permanent recruitment service can be run through one piece of software, making compliance much easier!
Having temporary and permanent recruitment in one system also drives efficiencies, such as prioritising permanent recruitment over temporary hiring. Single systems can then generate combined data and management information to give an accurate picture of recruitment spend and an overview of how well you’re meeting objectives. The best way to reduce spend is to stop using so many temps, so understanding where they are and why they are being used then is critical.

Recruitment report
One set of management information also makes it easier to benchmark important measures such as % of temporary spend per home or service against the permanent spend.
Latest trends
Having a fractured focus, with a financial oversight on temporary recruitment and an HR oversight on permanent recruitment can sometimes be a symptom of either a lack of internal capacity or lack of experience in driving a combined service. In this instance outsourcing may be a consideration.
The current market has seen more demand in this area recently with several tenders being released for a combined (Temporary and Permanent) recruitment partner who can deliver a MSP and permanent recruitment model.
Cohesion evidence suggests that the best results in terms of quality, efficiency and ROI are now being delivered by these combined models, overseen by HR.