Our recruiters are experts. Understanding our clients, their vision and their workforce allows us to recruit great people who stay longer. Consulting with hiring managers isn’t always enough- we believe that onsite visits give a better indicator of what and, most importantly, who, will be the best fit for the role.

At Cohesion we aren’t afraid to get our hands dirty and are no strangers to suiting up to work alongside our clients. Most recently two of our specialist recruiters visited CBS, Affinity Sutton’s repairs partner, and here’s what they had to say:

“Working onsite is always an exciting opportunity, it’s great to get better acquainted with hiring managers whilst gaining a better understanding of the workforce and what employees do day to day.

These visits give you a real feel for the work our clients do and the roles we work on. We even met a candidate who we’d placed 3 weeks prior to our visit. She was getting on really well in her new role and that’s always a rewarding experience- it’s great to know that we’ve made a difference to the candidate as well as the client.

In the morning we worked with the scheduling team and became more familiar with their systems and processes. By being shown how the department is operated we gained a real understanding of the type of people who work there and the sort of calibre required to fulfill the needs of the job.

Getting involved was great, it added a new dimension to the recruitment process; giving it a human element that really brings the job description to life.

The part of the day we both enjoyed most was getting suited and booted in safety gear and CBS uniform to spend the afternoon with the Multi-Skilled Operatives. This really allowed us to see the great work Affinity Sutton does for its tenants.

We attended local repairs which ranged from re-sealing windows to re-fitting doors. Working alongside the operatives meant that we had time to ask questions and find out what it’s really like to work within those types of role. Often we work with members of HR and Hiring Managers, so getting feedback from people on the job is invaluable.

They told us their daily challenges and the type of individual who they thought would be suitable in similar roles and what kind of background would be beneficial. Not only has this given us a better understanding of what they do, it’s given us an even clearer idea of what to look for when recruiting for these types of roles.

We both had an enjoyable and insightful day that highlighted the importance of partnership working and understanding the clients we work with.

Client collaboration is key, it helps us to build new relationships and strengthen current ones. Our visit gave us a great understanding of the vision that CBS has for the future and how we can be part of that vision.”

Take a look at our Affinity Sutton Case Study on how we have restored their faith in temporary recruitment.

Written by Kully Bhirth and Matt McHale, Specialist Recruiters
