Fantastic Feedback: Continuing our series, we talk to Outsourced Recruitment Manager Jayne Bishop about starter interviews and employee onboarding.

A sophisticated business

Recruitment has become far more sophisticated over the past few years. A Total Recruitment Philosophy (TRP) ensures that you incorporate all of this sophistication into a 360 recruitment process.  The first impression of your business gained by an applicant may well be the job advert. So it needs to be in line with the brand of your business, and in the language of your brand. “Candidate Experience” begins with the first email response to the application, to the message left on an answerphone, to the telephone or video interview, to the face to face interview….this process needs to be consistent and positive for the candidate, even if ultimately they are unsuccessful. It absolutely doesn’t end there either!  Once offered, it is as important to keep communications open between your business and the future employee – this period can last up to many months depending on role. High quality candidate engagement at this onboarding stage can truly set the scene for when your new recruit starts.

Start with the end in mind

A key part of the TRP is to gain feedback on the recruitment process. Interviews with starters, as well as those who don’t take up their place are crucial to refining the recruitment process. One of our clients believes that a great recruitment process should start with this feedback – now that is definitely someone who believes in TRP!

Positive Onboarding

Do you know where I think TRP falls down most regularly? I think it is on the onboarding process between offer and start.  Despite sometimes the best intentions, pre-employment administration is often low down the priority list, and doesn’t get the attention it requires. There are organisations who have an horrendous dropout rate from offer to start, because they just don’t give this part of the process the same focus as they do the pre-offer part.  A TRP process would deliver consistency across the applicant journey, and ensure that your new recruits start, with a positive onboarding experience, consistent with their application and screening.

Questions to ask

So …Is your onboarding strategy as effective as your advertising with your recruitment campaigns? Click here to find out what Cohesion can do for you. 
