What social care providers should do to recruit Early Talent

What social care providers should do to recruit Early Talent

Senior middle aged patient consulting young female doctor at home.

Getting Ahead in the Race for Early Talent: What social care providers should do

Thank you to everyone who attended our event. We hope you found it useful. If you would like to view a recording of the webinar you can do so below.


You can download a copy of the event slides here: Getting Ahead in the Race for Early Talent: What social care providers should do (12 downloads )

Q&A section

How have you brought your hiring managers on board, and did you have any resistance?

Of course, there has been some resistance! Using Workplace is one of the forums that we have been able to use to share the success stories and bring them on the journey. Give managers the tools, make it easy for them and provide a support network to them. Have apprenticeship leadership within the service and identify someone who has an enthusiasm for it. When you have a success story of it working, that’s the route in.

Useful links

We have collated a list of links that you may find useful:

LinkedIn Group

We encourage all of you to continue to share and learn by joining our Social Care Recruitment group on LinkedIn

Cohesion Social Care LinkedIn Group

Recruitment requirements

If you would like to discuss any aspects of the recruitment solutions offered by Cohesion, then please contact Amanda Marques 07753 871926

Care Character

The definitive candidate assessment and engagement tool for the care sector.

Care Character

Care Home Open Week

Get involved in Care Home Open Week to showcase both the facilities your homes offer and the career opportunities at your setting.

Care Home Open Week

Care and Support Jobs

View our career in care website https://careandsupportjobs.co.uk

We would like to showcase your care organisation and jobs. We will prioritise those happy to help us promote the new site to applicants.


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