Digitalising Care Recruitment Event

Digitalising Care Recruitment Event

What does digitalisation mean for care recruitment? 

We live in a world where everything is rapidly moving ‘online’ and this has been further progressed by the impact of Covid 19. The last 12 months has seen a huge decrease in face to face contact for people all over the world. This has led to some very big changes to the care recruitment process as companies have quickly adapted to the necessity of assessing candidates virtually.

We will be holding an event on the 18th March at 10am to look at how this has and will continue to affect care recruitment specifically. Professor Stephen Woods from University of Liverpool Management School will be joining us to discuss the growth of these digital selection procedures, and explore how they can be used in the recruitment process. He will be outlining a range of technology and their evidence base from an organisational psychology perspective will be discussed to draw conclusions about what we now know about their effectiveness.

Steve will also be looking at how organisations and practitioners might respond to the growth of new techniques in the coming years and the inevitable impact on HR teams. He will outline some of the results seen from Care Character – the psychometric tool designed for the care sector using insights from a PhD sponsored by Cohesion and explain how implementing Care Character streamlines the recruitment process.


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